How Kettering Helps Your Business Avoid Disaster Scenarios

Lessons Learned: A Guide to Avoiding Costly Mistakes During Your International Market Expansion
Kettering International has helped dozens of enterprises gain a successful foothold in global markets — but the path to success often includes major obstacles and mindset hurdles that must be overcome before any international market expansion can thrive. Throughout our years in this line of work, we’ve become deeply familiar with five common missteps that have the potential to create catastrophic results for any organisation looking to plant roots in the United States, the United Kingdom, and beyond.
In this detailed, specific guide, Kettering lays out the fundamental failures we come across most often, delves into real-world examples of these mistakes in action, and offers valuable insight into lessons learned:
- What happens when companies fail to localise to their intended market
- The overwhelming importance of market intelligence
- The consequences of failing to adjust your value proposition to a new market
- How a lack of cultural intelligence hurts your chances of success
- The often-missed opportunity to create a U.S.-specific brand